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Intentions vs Actions

Originally posted August 3, 2009

when i got up Sunday a.m. my heart was heavy. the word was out "to meet budget" our church had to make personnel changes. i was/am confused. i heard "the budget challenge is about the bad economy that's facing everyone." really? are our troubles - in my house and church and around the world - really about the economy?? the TV and the news and the street seems to be screaming "economy". but when did God start listening to the news? over and over these last few months when we decided to start a new business i knew my place was to be faithful. in the quietness God says "it's not about money" "it's not about money" "it's not about money" "it's about ME. Trust ME." (repeatedly for my stubborn heart.) So Sunday a.m. i prayed and i opened my bible. i thought our SS lesson was in John so i just flipped there and at the top of chap 20 (Christ's resurrection) i had written "Jesus reaches us in our locked up problems" and at the bottom "Don't park - get up and DO something". Don't Park - one of dad's sermons - whatever your challenges, weaknesses, struggles, circumstances - good or bad really - don't get stuck - keep moving - keep on keeping on... "Do not cling... but GO..." v 17. So when Dr. Bradley shared the situation w our SS dept my heart cried "but it's not about money". We discussed it in SS class and i shared "it's not about money". this crisis is our opportunity to ACT. it's not about good intentions and expecting someone or something to "fix" our "it". Don't you hear God calling us to act? then our lesson was Matthew 25. "Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me" v 40. do you need a 2x4? or as dad says "Hello!" then the SERMON was 1 Kings 18 - the 3rd year of the drought and God said to Elijah "Go and I will send rain." v 1. are you kidding me? THEN Elijah asked the people "How long will you falter b/w 2 opinions? it's either God or Baal." v 21 it's either God or self? God or money? God or ?? "Hear me O Lord that the people may know that you are the Lord God and that You have turned their hearts back to You again" v 37. Get that? thru the drought God turned their hearts back to Him... thru the valley Ps 23:4 thru the fire Zech 13:9 thru the waters Is 43:2 thru the wilderness Deut 2:7 on and on and on... THROUGH death and divorce and cancer and layoffs and anxiety and learning differences .... Doing the right thing isn't about knowing God's direction, it's about knowing GOD. when you are afraid, GOD. when you are broke, GOD. when you are happy, GOD. when there is no safety net, God. when there is no health care, God. there are no jobs, God. when there is no rain, God. (thank you, Beth Moore) Intentions vs Actions... i may have gotten a little off track but ... the point was/is ... it's not time to quit or panic. we don't have time for just good intentions. "Be still and know that I am God" but "Do not cling... GO." Let Go and let God. God has something mighty planned for my family and my church and my nation and it's going to happen with or without me. But oh the blessings that come from a faithful, expectant heart that takes action! Thank you Lord for weak arms and legs and a weak mind b/c THROUGH them YOU can do mighty things.


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