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Wow! another week gone...

Originally posted January 11, 2009

This is SO sad... i started this blog 1/1 and wrote the following 1/11 but never posted it... and now its AUGUST 1. where does the time go?? oh yeah, i know... work, family, school, house, church, kids, work, house, kids, work.... but for myself only -- here's what was happening EIGHT mths ago... and what a week it was! actually every week totally amazing me. what gets done, what doesnt get done, what needs to get done, who's doing it, who's not, who should be. (thats usually me. Who should be doing it but isnt...) i cant believe this is the same week that school started back... Everything since then is a blur. Monday Clint went to back to work, same ole, same ole. i took Chase to school and then Cade and i drove to Calhoun to see Mark. Cade had 2 cavities last visit! i actually hoped the fillings would be painful enough to motivate better tooth brushing but as of today no such luck. Tuesday i went to TCT during the day and we had meeting Greg re mdDigest at night. Greg's awesome and helped Clint concluded that mdDigest would be a free open-source product w/ support and consulting around it. that's a huge decision and hopefully the right one. Wednesday morning was my MSA MOMs group meeting. yeah! i really enjoy the "me" time. it also helps me get outside my own challenges and share others. then i ran home to see Stacey and Scarlet :-) she's really the cutest little thing. (note to self: post picture). then i went to Merrill's for his final SSSI interview which was a disaster. We had expected to get the SSSI benefits and Medicaid rolling but that didnt work out. I picked up Chase and we all went to church for dinner/missions. Whew. i was glad to get home and ready for bed but alas it was not to be... When we got home Cade noticed something was wrong w/ Grayson (our cat). he unbelieveably had a serious hole in his side that came out of no where. Geez. i called the emergency vet and we decided we better take him in. $263 later (who needs thats??) we had a sick cat who needed antibiotics for 3 days and then take to our vet to close it out. Heaven help me. today i had a lot to be thankful for -- thankful it was a cat and not a kid, thankful its just money, thankful for clint who can just go w/ the flow! Thursday i worked at home. i REALLY wanted to go to bed but i didnt. Ryan came over and we worked on his situation. We made some progress but hard choices to make - short term pain for long term gain though. Friday lunch with Liz and Stacey and Scarlet and Edwina, Joyce, Mary Anne and Charlotte and Peachtree Diner. we have a great time. it was Liz's bday and it felt so good to do something for her. Afterwards i went to Merrill's to backup his computer. we had a great visit. Stacey brought Scarlet by for her 1st visit and it was very special. I ran out of time so i ran to get Chase and then picked up Cade and went back to Merrill's to finish the backup. then we went home and had a quiet evening. Sorta. i did try to start a fire while the boys and i watched a movie. although no fire, we did have a nice smoke and the house still smells. maybe i should keep my fire building to outside. :-) still TGIF! Finally it was Saturday and i had to be at church at 9a for a choir workers workshop. as you can imagine i could think of a million reasons NOT to go but my desire to support Maryann over came and i'm so glad. it was a fun time of music and instruments and stuff i never do. i'm not sure i had used a recorder since i was IN maryann's choir as a kid. that's freaky. we played and laughed and ate and sang and danced. i'm so glad i went. i got home at 2:30 and we had a MDD meeting w/ Nick about the financials. that went well. its amazing to have so much expertise in this venture. its affirming and encouraging. We had plans to hang out the Baloh's at 6ish but we didnt get there until 7ish. That was great too.

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