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Betty Canipe, Streets of Gold, Heaven

Originally posted August 1, 2009

last Saturday our community lost one of the most beautiful and gracious women i had the pleasure to observe. i wish i could say i knew her well, that she was my friend, my mentor but she wasn't. i don't even know if she had kids or where she lived, what she did every day... i just knew her and admired her from a far. she had a presence that reminded me of mom and i just enjoyed watching her, being aware of her smile, her grace. like mom. she was always dressed and groomed so well. like mom. always ready for a party. so beautiful on the inside, she glowed on the outside. like mom. i imagine she got up early and made herself presentable. like mom. always ready for a need or an adventure. like mom. i admired her marriage. she and J.C. were always together. he was the gentleman and she was the lady. he appeared quiet and contemplative but always attentive, so gentle, so kind. i wish i could find the words for the feeling in my heart and yet they never knew i was watching them. admiring them. giving thanks for them. God, please be with J.C. now during his lonely nights and days without his bride, his companion, his lover, his best friend. Miss Betty, thank you for encouraging me just by being you. your smile made me smile. your stature made me stand a little taller. your gracefulness compelled me to respond with gentleness. i know, like mom, you are now decorating your mansion and doors are open wide. you are standing in God's glory, drawing your loved ones near, and as the perfect hostess, waiting patiently for other guests to arrive. Lord, may i rise to the occasion every day like Miss Betty. May i always be mindful of what i do and say... because i never know who's watching...

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