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Big week for mdDigest!

Originally posted August 11, 2009

God is amazing! seriously. the post below was written AUGUST 2009 and every bit of it is just as true now as then. now some people may think that's a bad thing and in some ways they are right! :-) i would LOVE to be posting how we were struggling then and how w God we are now successful and profitable. that would be an awesome God too but that's not the case - yet! we are still "ramping up", we still have doors opening, we still have praying and trusting and believing - and asking and dreaming and God is STILL faithful. that's the part i love. Thank you Lord.


mdDigest is the company Clint started last year. by the end of the year it had kinda jelled into a viable business plan. then when he was laid off in March, God projected us into full-time "git 'er done" mode. it seemed the most natural thing for us to do but we also decided to just jump in and see what happens. and it has been totally amazing and miraculous!

first of all, my husband is amazing :-) he's intelligent and tenacious and passionate. he has a smart head and a smart heart. he knows and he believes AND he executes. he also taught me when to take the high road (always) and how it pays off (tenfold).

this year we have learned so much about ourselves, our marriage, our family, our abilities, and our faith. even if we go belly up - or face down? (which isn't happening) we are so much better and stronger and wiser.

then we sat down and asked ourselves "what's the worst thing that can happen?" we're broke? been there. we're homeless? sorta been there. we start over? been there. we're alone? never!

"what's the best thing that can happen?" we build a business to help others based on integrity and hard work instead of greed and selfishness. we financially support our family and other families and we share the wealth through relationships and faith-based organizations. we provide the world with stable, affordable health care products and services that desperately need innovation and vision. then we sell out and move to a farm (in the Caribbean - do they have those?) :-)

so we made the decision to live by faith and work the dream.

"Go as far as you can see and see how far you can go." and every day something new takes us farther down the road. so we just keep working and believing and working.

"Work as if it's all up to you, pray as if it's all up to God." now we are fully committed. no going back. no plan B. this is it.

now its also "where the rubber meets the road" b/c we are short on cash and getting shorter. but again - God's plan is better b/c no way did i (the planner) scope out 6 mths of financing for us and the business all by ourselves. no way. 3 mths. 4 tops. but we're in month 5 and we have maybe 2 more months "in the bank". only God can do math like that.


remember that was EIGHT months ago? to me that is the miracle. that is God's grace and goodness and faithfulness.

this is another big week for mdDigest and another week to experience God's blessing. how can you call that a bad thing?

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