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So Long, Insecurity by Beth Moore

Originally posted April 25, 2010

yesterday through the generous gift of an unknown person i was able to see Beth Moore in person at FBC Woodstock. i so wanted to go but after receiving such a gift i knew i NEEDED to go. i also knew that God had provided the way and when God provides the way - well, i'm not that stupid :-)

and of course, God spoke right to my heart - and approximately 300,000 other women simultaneously all over the nation - through Beth. just imagine THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND women - mothers, daughters, sisters, wives, aunts, girlfriends - all over the United States from Alaska to Florida, Maine to California - 869 locations - ALL received a message and prayed and committed to being secure in God alone to influence our families, our communities and our world.

that is inconceivable! except with God...

i was humbled to realize that i - Sheree, Jane's daughter - was just ONE of 300k and amazed to consider that all 300k was just ONE. one woman plus one woman plus one woman... each one known uniquely and created for a unique purpose by God. Each ONE brought to those places at that time for one purpose.

that is inconceivable! except with God...

Her message was So Long, Insecurity from her new book. her journal during her struggle to overcome insecurity in her own life. then God turned it into a book and a message for me - for all of us. how amazing when a woman with a past becomes a woman with a purpose to influence a woman like me.

that is inconceivable! except with God...

She asked what would happen if we got this message today? what could happen if we each claimed security in God today? what if we chose to live secure? how will it affect who we are, our lives, our families, every choice we make?

what if we taught the next generation - our daughters and granddaughters - to live secure BEFORE experiencing the pain and guilt and problems caused by doubts and insecurity? could we create a detour and empower our girls to live free from the beginning? how would that change future marriages, children, communities?

what if?? it's time to be the exception! let's do it!

thank you Lord for the person who gave for me to go. thank you for the message and messenger. Lord thank you for being secure enough to live and die to change our world. Lord, help me live secure today. i love you.


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